Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shmalentines day.

bear with my ramblings here.

yeah yeah yeah, its nice to have flowers, chocolates and kisses, but its all fairly generic yes?

I went and saw that 'VALENTINES day' movie, cliché I know and some parts were funny, and I laughed and it was a very, very generalised pop culture movie, pleasing to the masses, but it actually got me thinking and kinda frustrated too.

I guess its because I really believe that there is a real difference between 'love' and being 'in love',
Romantice love and then love,

Romantic love sets expectations, and when those expecations are not met after a varying amount of time, this passive agressive game starts to be played out. Obviously negative in its expression the relationship then comes to a scccccreaaaaaaaaaaaaaming halt.being 'in love' becomes mistaken for 'love'. Usually by one side of the party that has more feelings than the other (and I can say this because I have been the one with 'too many feelings' hahahahaha)

I digress. . .

Then there is love, Which is not romantic, but more so built upon a friendship, and unbreakable trust which last through out everyday, every moment and every year.

Valentines day just seems like a gesture of a gift to me, a material gift. But the gift of compassion, trust, friendship, laughter, care and support seem SO much more valued to me.

But this is all in my experience,and all my view point.

but don't get me wrong, I looooooooooove those love heart lollies.

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